Sunsoil is a Public Benefit Corporation

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Sunsoil was started with a vision of creating quality CBD that we could bring to the masses. In 2019, we made the legal change to become a Public Benefit Corporation, or PBC. This step advanced and solidified our mission of affecting positive change through our products and actions.

As defined by B Lab, a “benefit corporation is a legal structure that embeds stakeholder governance into a business’ DNA, ensuring the business considers its impact on all of its stakeholders.” In other words, PBCs are beholden to a diverse set of stakeholders, including employees, customers, communities, and the environment, among others. They are intended to operate in a socially beneficial and responsible manner. This differs from traditional companies, as many of them are required to operate based on shareholder interests and the company’s bottom line.  

To Sunsoil, becoming a Public Benefit Corporation not only fits with our company’s mission to make the highest quality organic products on the market, but it demonstrates to our industry that we care about the products we create and the people we serve. From organic farming practices and our innovative hemp infusion process to our supply chain partners and community involvement, Sunsoil continues to be dedicated to the values that started this company.

Becoming a Public Benefit Company has been the starting point to display the kind of company we aspire to be. We will continue to grow our Vermont-based business and focus our efforts to improve Vermont’s economic health. But this does not complete our work. We know we always have more work to do on the path to becoming a good corporate citizen, and we look forward to continuing to share that with you.

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